My Current System Works Just Fine

Why should you care about HatchTracker?


The simplest reason why is this: we want our customers to make more money. And we aim to do this by making your life easier. Members of the HatchTracker flock have had better experiences in tracking their bird data, because their numbers are easier to find and record in a meaningful way, and trends are easier to spot. Is there something causing more birds in Barn 1 to die off than in Barn 3? You’ll be able to catch it quicker with HatchTracker. Need to raise your prices so you aren’t losing money to inflated fuel costs? HatchTracker’s got a report for that. Our program is a tool that allows you to run your business as best as you can, putting dollars in your pocket, and time back in your day.


We know what you’re thinking though – “I’ve already got a system that works just fine for free!” Sure homegrown spreadsheets, notebooks, and whiteboards are fine enough, but they aren’t as “free” as you might think. Tools such as these actually have one of the highest prices around, as they will chew up your free time if you need to do anything with your data, and before you know it, you’re spending six hours plugging numbers into your computer on a Sunday night. We don’t know about you, but we would sure rather spend time with our friends and family rather than doing data entry work.


Aside from the precious commodity of your limited minutes, these other methods of tracking your data are labor-intensive and manual. They often require great effort (and knowledge of Microsoft Excel) to get graphs or trends out of the data so you can use it to make your business better. HatchTracker is user friendly which means you don't have to be an expert in Excel to operate it. If your operation is big enough that you are not entering the data yourself, you’re losing actual dollars to pay for someone else’s time to get your mortality rates, feed, and egg collection numbers all in one place. Just because something has always been done a certain way, doesn’t mean that it should always be done that way. Think if we had never accepted the new-fangled magic of penicillin, and still “hoped for the best” with a serious injury. Sometimes innovation really is all it is cracked up to be.


This sounds like a lot of work…


We know change is hard. We know you have a system that you have painstakingly built to work for your operation. And we can appreciate that you like things to be *just so*. We do too! But you can’t experience new gains if you don’t try. In other words, you can’t make more money, save more time ,and run your business more efficiently unless you try something different from what you are doing now. And we think that HatchTracker might be worth a little effort to see if we can help you succeed even more in your business.


Because we know how important your time is, we offer a30-day free trial, no questions asked. If you want to sign up, we can do a client set-up call, get your profile arranged and get you acquainted with the program, and then set you loose so you can try it out. If you like flexibility, your subscription will be billed on a month-to-month basis so you aren’t in any long-term contracts. If you like to pay a bill and then forget about it for awhile, we offer prepayment plans for 6 and 12 month periods that will discount your monthly price.


If you try HatchTracker and are unsatisfied for any reason, we will do everything in our power to find a solution. We are invested in the success of the gamebird industry as a whole, and we are invested in the success of each individual customer. We genuinely want any feedback that our customers have, and we are always seeking ways to improve our products and make them more useful for the industry.


Why wait to start making more money and saving time? Give us a call, and we’ll help you make every hatch a happy hatch.